Alexis Moody | Web Developer

I've Arrived!

And other things that have happened this week


First off welcome to my blog! As a child of the internet this isn't my first time in the rodeo, LiveJournal anyone? But this is the first time I'm writing a blog on my own website purely talking about web development, so bear with me! I want to start off talking about a wonderful thing called version control. This handy little concept is the bread and butter of organized coding. Version control is generally a piece of software (aka VCS) that helps a programmer keep track of all changes to a project and allows an entire team to work on a project without stepping on each other's toes by branching out the code in versions. The great thing about version control is that it's not just used in programming. You can use VCS in business project management, construction, and education. The possibilities are endless!

One of the most popular VCS systems is Git. Used mostly in a terminal, like Bash or PowerShell, it allows the user to edit and update their files before sending them to the master project.It tracks every time an edit (commit) is "pushed" up from the local computer and by whom the commit was submitted. While the process can take a bit longer through the terminal it helps insure an organized and deliberate change in the master program. All of the different commands can be daunting at first, but just like everything else practice makes perfect!

At the backend of all of the shaking and moving done with Git and/or other VCS systems developers and organizations use a sort of cloud based service known as GitHub. GitHub stores all of the files associated with your project (repository) and has a great Graphical User Interface (GUI) to see all of your changes. GitHub also allows you to easily create new repositories and join different organizations. It really is a hub for all of the work you do with Git.

Aside from my newfound prowess at the wonderful world of Git this week has been pretty smooth sailing. Every time i'm at my screen I feel at peace. I can't wait to share more with y'all as the days and weeks zoom by.